AmaDelali's Insights!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Born 9th September 1948, Died 29th April 2004, Buried 22nd May 2004

Happy birthday mummy! Today mummy is 59 years old. Ok today my mummistic mummy would have been 59 years but death our ultimate fate called her in the early hours of 29th April 2004 at 1:45am. This year is 3 years since you passed on but well God knows best, my dear mum for Revelation 21:4 says “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away”
Indeed mum all the former things have passed away and there is no greater gift than to be with the lord which you yearned for with so much zeal and hard work, and above all there is no more pain and crying for you- that is excellent, when I think of it- wonderful
Happy birthday! This year, Doris gave you one very great gift, our latest Princess in the making, Kandinaa Timbilla .You won’t believe this, she was born on the 29th April 2007, so you see we can never forget you. We still mention your name mum every time, everyday, everywhere someone would bring you up for discussion. You have never gotten lost in our hearts, you would forever remain there, our mentor, courageous, strong full of wisdom; woman of faith, even on your dying bed, you could still say boldly without doubt “IT IS WELL “our “filla” friend, our counselor our sister, forever mummy you are simply irreplaceable as we said in our tribute. You are a real gem woman of God.
I have always been wondering, how your journey to your maker on that white horse was? Cos you really were excited about the horse. Your face brightened anytime you spoke about it barely a week prior to your death. “any time I close my eyes I see the white horse” you would say smiling. Well curiosity they say kills the cat, so am not going be too curious you know?
Mummy, we are all fine minus Daddy though because he followed you a year after you passed on but well the bible says, God is A father of the fatherless and he defends the poor and fatherless, so all is well, and we are working hard to make you and Daddy proud, though we have still not succeeded in giving you a grandchild but I hope we would – one day! Yes! One day!
Mummy one of your favorite hymns “what a friend we have in Jesus” has really ministered to my heart, Oh! I have suffered in this life! I have been through the wilderness but am now in my promised land. I sang this song throughout my wilderness experience, I sang it when the Pharaoh’s came after me, I sang it when there was no food to eat and God gave me manna. This song has always been my song of inspiration. Today is your birthday and I know if you were alive, you would have shared something with the loved ones around you. Since you are not there, am acting on your stead by sharing this hymn with my all my loved ones, this is a gift from you to them on your birthday.
(Blessed Children of God, this is a very popular song, oh yes! We all know it but we aren’t going to sing it the way we do always, today we going to sing it, placing a lot of emphasis on the lyrics, in remembrance of my late mother and to wish her a happy birthday. All I need you to do, is to remember mummy today and say to her, Happy Birthday – Rest in peace, and then let the song minister to you. You may still be in the wilderness, but know that, no situation is permanent in life, even me, Delali, God smiled on me and set me free, how much more you child of God? Do not let the enemy steal your joy, we suffer unnecessarily all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer – Lovely Child of God, the ball is in your court – SHOT!)
What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and grief’s to bear!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.
Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge, take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He’ll take and shield you; you will find a solace there.
Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised Thou wilt all our burdens bear
May we ever, Lord, be bringing all to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright unclouded there will be no need for prayer
Rapture, praise and endless worship will be our sweet portion there
(So u see my dear ones mummy is on verse 4 level, where she needs no prayer but we my dear ones need to pray verse I 2 n 3 always)

Fondly remembered by : Children, Siblings, Nieces and Nephews, Pastors, Family, Friends and loved ones and those who have heard about you. R.I.P
Thank you for reading; God bless you


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